Why vocational education is not taken seriously in India?

Indian education consists of four levels which include lower primary school (age 6 to 10), upper primary (age 11 to 12), secondary (age 13 to 15), higher secondary (age 16 to 18). Free & compulsory education is provided to students aged 6 to 14. There is a certain extent of progress in knowledge of India, and also it leads to higher economic development. Progress has also seen in higher secondary education over the past decade. There is educational development in urban as well as rural areas. The infrastructure of the schools has also been improved, which leads to the development of the nation. But don't you think that Indian education provides only theoretical knowledge to the students, and they become mere machines who just follow guidelines and do the work accordingly. Knowledge and intellect are lacking among the students and Indian youth.
Emphasis is laid on theoretical knowledge.
Education of India is solely based on rote learning and theoretical knowledge. Students may not be able to think rationally, and decision-making capacity is low. All they have to do is mug up the things and paste them on the answer sheet, which resulted in marks. But what is the value of this marks when it has no value in future because everyone has degrees and employer will select you based on your knowledge and how can be able to handle things in different situations. In short, practical experience is lacking among youth. Creativity is not given utmost importance while whereas this is one of the things which matters the most when you have to embark your name in the market and sustain, there for a longer time. Teachers and parents want their child to just score more and get into the 9 to 5 rat race.
Indian school and colleges don't make emphasis on providing sports education, and parents also don't want their students to get involved in sports. Parents believed that games spoil their children's and want them to just focus on their curriculum and force them to just mug up things rather than understanding it and to gain knowledge. Parents and teachers should always support their student or child in what they are interested in despite involving them in what their parents want.
Indian schools and colleges provide only provide bookish knowledge to students, India didn't have adequate lab facilities due to which they don't have enough information about how to use machines and equipment. Based on just books, they cannot be able t cope-up with their job or business. That is the reason why most of the graduates don't have jobs, and also students with higher degrees are working for just 15 to 20k.
How vocational training can change India?
· It generates more employment opportunities.
· Leads to increase in skilled labour.
· Skilled labour resulted in various benefits for India.
· India will become a global leader.
· We can increase our exports to a great extent.
· We can fulfil our citizens' requirements which leads in the reduction of imports.
How vocational training is possible?
- · Students take the education of the field in which they are interested in rather than all the subjects.
- · Internships must be provided to children in the schools or colleges.
- · There are separate sports schools in the country.
- · Instead of just exams or homework facility of projects, presentation, live presentations, seminars, webinars are given to them.
- · Students and colleges must have Proper labs, infrastructure, equipment's, etc. so that students can learn properly.
- · Educational trips are being arranged in schools and colleges within every short span.
- · Instead of studying through boards, learning through projector must be encouraged.
- · Teachers must encourage students to earn knowledge rather than making marks.
- · Surprise tests of practical experiments, and paid internships must be availed to students if possible.
· Along with the hard skills, knowledge of soft skills mean personality development, decision making, work ethics, etc. must be given to them.
So, above is my opinions regarding how skills-based education is given to students of India through which they can lead to a better life and helps India to prosper in the best possible ways. The country with skilled workers will always flourish and if you can't be able to believe, then just take the example of China.