Is the stock market feasible for women?

 Introduction -


                                     In olden times, in India, it is believed that women are made for household work, and it is men’s responsibility for earning money. But time changed, people’s opinions changed, thinking changed, and then women also came forward to become financially independent. Now, we saw women in almost every sector, earning money and also managing home.

Managing home also? Yes.

                                            Women manage both, but in some cases, women can’t be able to manage both. As a result, they have to leave their job. Now, the question arises what's the solution for this? Can they earn further, too? Yes, they can gain money by sitting at their home only without the need of going anywhere practically. In the world full of information technology, if we have a phone and laptop, then we can do anything. 

Online stock trading 


                               There are various ways of earning money online with the help of gadgets. But I came across one of the best ways to make is stock market for women. Now, many women don’t seem to be interested in it because they have no knowledge regarding the stock market. But I guess this is also one of the best ways to earn money by sitting at home only. But this includes a certain amount of risk, but risks are in everything we do right now.

                                So, if women want to earn money, then they can do it. But firstly, they have to collect all the required information about the stock market and how you can do it, and what would be the risk it includes? There are various apps on mobile which gives you day to day information of different companies, its share price, last year profit, current year profit, success ratio, price earning ratio, PEG ratio, plough back and reserves, return on net worth, etc. you can do in-depth research regarding the company in which you are going to invest in. Mobile apps like economic times app, CNBC app, money control app, etc. are some of it which may help you in getting info on stock trading.

                             You can even go through online courses to learn stock trading, which will help you out in getting the all and correct knowledge of the company and its shares. 

process - 

If you really want to do this then here is the quick tutorial for everyone who wants to earn with the help of stock trading:-

Step – 1 Demat A/c – Initially, to start trading on the stock market, you have to get opened a Demat account, which is free of cost. You have to submit a few documents for that like Pan card, identity proof, any address proof, Bank A/c proof, and three passport size photographs. You need to attach your bank ac with Demat ac.

Step – 2 Research, research, and Research – After opening Demat ac, you need to keep 2k to 3k in your Demat ac for trading. Researching and acquiring knowledge about the company is mandatory so that the risk of loss decreases.

Step 3 – Decide the quantity – Then after, decide the number of shares you have to purchase.

Step 4  keep or sell – According to the information you have collected and the situation of the company, you can decide whether you have to keep or sell the shares depends on what will be more beneficial to you?

                  Things to remember before trading online?

  1. ·      Beware of hacking – The few things you should do for safe trading are not to share your password or any credential information, protect your device with antivirus software, log out from the site you opened to do the selling, and never select when asked to remember password.
  • ·      Don’t overload – In the beginning, when you just started doing trading, don’t invest a considerable amount of money because you have little knowledge and almost no experience of online trading.
  • ·      Share broker - Always look up to that, the share broker you consulted to get your Demat account opened, has the license, and will not misuse your any information.

                                 Purchasing and selling shares becomes much convenient with the help of online trading, as you don’t have to go anywhere practically to buy or sell your stocks. With the help of cellular devices and internet connectivity, you can earn money. Mobile phones make our life so easy its just the matter of using it for our benefits. I hope it will help you out in any way possible if you are trying to get into this field of earning.



Siya madam said…
This blog can give morale to girls that they are not made for home works only they can do what they wanted to do❤
Nancy singh said…
Your language of skills about writting is very good keep going
Sudeshna s. said…
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Zab said…
Is the stock market feasible for women? Definitely its a yes! Just need to get a credible philippine stock exchange broker

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