Perks of lockdown.
Coronavirus pandemic which spread throughout the world has appealed the whole world to enter into lockdown to prevent the people from the infection of the virus. Covid-19 brings some drastic changes in our life, which we have never seen before, like the shutdown of schools, colleges, offices, business and even stepping out of the house is prohibited or less recommended. We have to cover our face, hands and maintain distance from the people. All these things are new for all of us because we have never seen such things happening in our life before. But it is the absolute truth that one thing has limitations, then it has its advantages too.
Earlier all we want is break from our job and life, we want to just sit at home and chill all day long. Students don’t want to go to schools and colleges, and businessmen or women also wanted to go on a vacation by taking a break from this monotonous and tedious life. When with the help of COVID-19 we got the opportunity of sitting at home, spending time with family, just do whatever you wanted to at home without wasting your hours in traffic we all got bored and wanted to go to work and schools. In contrast, life is more essential than any job or money. We have spent a fantastic time at home with our family like talking with each other, sharing different opinions, playing games, sharing secrets, making and eating delicious food. We got a break from our boring hectic life. In a lockdown, there is no weekdays and no tension of Monday because every day is like Sunday to us.
Benefits of lockdown.

1. Home is our second restaurant, office and school.
Home is the place at which we spent our entire day at we eat there in weekends and weekdays too, we study at home with the help of online classes, and we work from home like we used to do in our office also. We have meetings online, work by just sitting at home only. We got to know our family in a better way and realized that we can do all the things without going anywhere practically. Earlier all we do is just eat, run for work, come, eat and sleep but all this has changed suddenly.
2. We realized the importance of health.
In our busy schedule, we don’t have enough time to focus on our health, but after this disease, we come to know that health is essential and boosting immune is mandatory. Because of this, we started practising yoga and exercises at home and also, we are eating nutritiously too. Many people quit smoking, intake of tobaccos for the betterment of their health.
3. Mother earth is healing.
When everything is shut down, then there is no pollution of vehicles, no fumes coming from factories which leads to a decrease in pollution level massively. We saw various birds and animals coming outside because of clean air and water, and all these animals and birds we saw are quite rare. We got a chance to enjoy the fresh river and forests full of greenery.
4. We got time for our self.
Before this pandemic, we don’t get for our self because of the job or school or business, but now due to lockdown we try to focus on our health, we learnt something new, and we became productive. We wanted to understand us as a better person. We try to find out what we can do further and started becoming more creative.
5. We realize the importance of what we have!
After witnessing the situation of poor people, labours, homeless, and all the people out there who are suffering a lot due to pandemic. We realized how grateful we are for what we have, and we are safe at home with our family. We are so privelged that the most significant people in our life our family, friends and all closed ones are with us.
Negative sides of lockdown.
- There is a certain amount of Reduction exports and our economy are suffering a lot due to this.
- Increase in the number of suicides.
- Level up in anxiety among people.
- The Social distancing due to this virus resulted in rifts among relations and friends.
- Increase in the stress level of employees and workers.
- The lower class are suffering due to lockdown.

We knew that every coin has two sides. Similarly, the lockdown has both negative and positive effects of it, and we have to bear both advantages and disadvantages to survive. So, be happy, be with your family, cherish what you have and stay home.
~ By Ekta jesani