Living in space opera without realizing.
What is space opera? Space opera is a division of category of science fiction that comprises of various most straightforward and dramatic moves, wars, courteous behaviour, risk-taking, and combat in outer space. Space opera started in the 1930s, and it is mainly used to fight against the other with developed technology and deadliest weapons. Changing time its definition is also updated. The imagination of living in space opera without realisation. After watching space opera and science fiction movies, we all are fascinated to live in outer space. This fascination was developed by the science fiction movie "A trip to the moon. We had experienced living and exploring in space by the movie gravity. Living on earth is way better than living on an outer planet or space. But we human always wanted to explore something different and unusual. And also the audiovisual effects, illusionary effects, graphics used in the movies or video games draw our attention to living in...