How new education policy can change india?


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The government of India, along with education ministry(formerly human resource management) gives a green signal to new education policy on 29 July 2020 after 34 years. This policy was framed in 1986 and adjusted in the year 1992, and almost after 3 decades, it has been implemented in India. Government of India took 34 years to change the education policy. N.E.P. 2020 contains various reforms which will improve the education system of India. However, now it is just approved by the government, and it would nearly take more than 10 years in the successful implementation all across India. This policy is selected after 5 years of detailed discussion with multiple stakeholders and the general public.

Changes in the education system. 

Changes for schools.

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The 10+2 structure is to be replaced by a 5+3+3+4 curricular structure resembling ages 3-8, 8-11, 11-14, and 14-18 years respectively.

The N.E.P. 2020 emphasis on teaching mother-tongue/local language/regional language as the part of their education at least till Grade 8. Sanskrit to be taught at all levels as an option for students, including in the three-language formula. Other classical languages and pieces of literature of India also to be available as options for students but not any language will be imposed on students. 

Along with regional languages, several foreign languages will also be taught to students at the secondary level.

Students to have 10 bagless days in the whole year during which they are given vocational training.

Vocational education will be given to students from the 6th grade, which will include internships too(paid or unpaid).

Vocational education regarding carpentry, gardening, electrician work, etc. must be given to students during their secondary school. 

Board exams to be redesigned more creatively and practically. 

Sports, art, crafts, will be given more importance and students are allowed to take coding as their subject after grade 6. 

Changes for colleges.  

Students studying their 3 or 4-year course will have multiple exit options. If they quit after one year of studying, still they get a certificate for that. 

No different boards, all the students of India except law and medical students will study under one board which is higher education commission of India(HECI). 

Standard entrance exams will be held for the admission to colleges. 

E-courses and virtual labs will be developed to provide practical knowledge to students. 

Other changes. 

Report cards of the students are based on their skills and creativity instead of just exam scores.

The investment in the education sector to be increased by 6% of India's G.D.P.

Private institutes are supported to provide scholarships to students.  

Creativity and knowledge are given more importance rather than rote learning.

Top foreign institutes are allowed to start their branches in India.  

How this policy will be beneficial to India? 

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Students don't have to migrate to other countries for further studies. 

This new policy will lead to a reduction in brain drain(When highly skilled and educated people of nation migrate to other countries due to any reason is known as brain drain). Reduction in brain drain is quite beneficial for India. 

Vocational education and training, which is given to students, will increase employment opportunities in India.

Students got a chance to choose subjects of their own instead of studying all the subjects. 

Nep 2020 creates skilled labour which will help India to increase G.D.P. and income growth; also, it leads India towards development. 

Improve the education system of India and the position of India at a global level. 

It aims to increase the gross enrollment ratio from pre-school to secondary level by 100% by the year 2030. 

Many students who were or are unable to go abroad can experience the global exhibition in India itself as foreign universities will set-up their branches in India. 

Hurdles in new education policy. 

New education policy requires new and updated infrastructure which Indian school are lacking. 

Digital learning is to be given emphasis in Nep2020, and most of the Indian teachers didn't have much information about it due to which many teachers and support staff will lose their job. 

Development of infrastructure and skilled teachers becomes expensive, which will lead to an increase in the fees schools and colleges. 

Insufficient funds are also one among the leading and huge hurdle in N.E.P. 


This is the best decision taken by the Indian government and ministry of education after 34 years which will leads India towards growth and development. There are various advantages and benefits of the new education policy. However, there are challenges in this policy too which needs to be solved. But in a few years, we will see the fruits of this policy which whole India and the world will cherish and will place India at a better place. 



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