Eradication of the threat to humanity: - Covid 19


Coronavirus disease originated in the year 2019 from Wuhan of china has affected more than 200 countries so far. There are more than 95 lakh corona cases in the world, with more than 4.5 lakh fatalities. India is also the country which corona has trapped in its net, and our nation even has almost 5 lakh covid cases with over 15000 deaths so far. 

Now the question arises on how to stop the spread of this virus, which is contagious and taking the life of innocent people. So, let’s see how we can protect us from infections, which leads to eradicating this deadliest virus. 

Ways to eradicate coronavirus.

The following are the few ways to eradicate this virus from the world. 

1.   Social distancing

 Social distancing is the most effective way to get rid of this virus. You have to keep a minimum of 1m from the other person and avoid leaving the house if not necessary. 

2.   Wear a mask 

3.   If you have to go out, you must wear a mask to reduce the risk of corona infection because it can be spread through droplets of a person while speaking or sneezing. 

        3. Washing hands


       Washing hands is crucial because, unfortunately, you touched any person or thing which is infected, then you can also be diagnosed with the virus. But if you washed your hands for 20 seconds and not touched your face after touching the person or thing then, you can be protected. 

4.     Avoid travel.

Avoid travelling internationally or domestically and, if necessary, quarantine yourself for 14-28 days. Still, you will not feel well then consult the doctor as soon as possible.

5.   Avoid social gatherings

You must avoid visiting crowded places like malls, theatres, railway stations, airports, etc. 

6.   Boost immunity

Last but not least, boost your immunity so that your body can fight with the virus effectively and prevents you from covid-19. You can increase your resistance by exercise, yoga, eating greens and fruits, milk with a pinch of turmeric in it, etc. 

So, here are all the steps you must follow to protect you, your family, nation, and the world from coronavirus disease. 

Can we cure ourselves at home if we have coronavirus?

This is the frequently asked question because we all know that in the government hospitals, they are not testing and not even ready to take more patients, and the situation of the public hospital is not preferable to visit. On the other side, if we want to get our treatment done at private hospitals, it will cost us a bomb, and many people can't people afford it. So, it is highly recommended to treat yourself at home only. IF you suffer from severe symptoms like difficulty in breathing, chest pain, etc. then only consult a doctor. 

Ways to treat corona at home. 

1. Lock yourself in a room with a washroom and bath area in it. 

2. Don't allow anyone to enter your room.

3. Keep your clothes, utensils, and every other thing away from others. 

4. Consult your family doctor if you have daily checking and prescription. 

5. Get enough amount of warm water, greens, vegetables, milk with turmeric, enough fluids, take rest.

6. Go for painkillers like paracetamol and ibuprofen to cure common symptoms like flu, cough, cold, etc.

7. Remember, don't go for antibiotics because it cannot be able to rectify the virus. 

8. Herbal and homemade remedies are highly preferable rather than medicines. 

9. Exercise for a minimum of 30 mins, avoid taking drugs or alcohol, stay hydrated, meditate,e and breathe properly. 

10. But, still, if you can't be able to recover from it and the situation goes out of your hand, you must consult a doctor.

11. Clean your hands frequently, sanitize your things as well as home, wear a face mask. Avoid direct contact.  

                                       Stay home, stay safe. 

~ By Ekta jesani.


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